Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs

So I found a flimsy paper back copy of a childhood favorite in the hospital lobby last week and I stole it. You remember the one where food and beverage products take the world by storm. How fabulous would it be if eggs and bacon snowed down every morning? Or if during your afternoon jog, fresh juice poured down from the sky? Dehydration and hunger would be a thing of the past. Imagine a life without arguing over whose turn it is to cook, or what's on the menu...we'd all just grab a plate and let the skies determine what's for dinner. Of course, it would get messy. And you might have to start worrying a bit more seriously about a death by giant pancake. But it'd sure keep things interesting. Maybe we'd stop seeking a thrill out of starting fires beneath pointless disagreements, participating in petty misdemeanors, and smoking crack and instead be amused by the weather.

My goodness, I may have just found a cure for malnutrition, world hunger, domestic violence, drug abuse, crime, and...dare I say it, war.
Or maybe I should lay off the LSD.

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