Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Two good ideas and one very bad one...

Afognak, despite it's odd name and the even odder charachters that inhibit it, may quite possibly be my favorite place on Earth. Amazingly beautiful, cozy and comforting... a weekend there gives even my mamas homemade chicken soup a run for it's money.
While there, I thought up a handy invention that consists of...well, basically a toilet paper roll holder that can spin a line on to a reel while you use the john. The ultimate multitasker. I dreamt up the newest kinky pain; getting your man to have a jellyfish sting you just before your happy ending. And I decided to go into the woods armed with a gun I am most likely too scared to use in search of a kodiak brown bear in a place I was all but guaranteed to find one; the salmon river.
Well, I made it home safe so it must not have been that stupid. Cheers to good friends, great times, and interesting ideas!

1 comment:

Rebecca is Fabulous said...

good grief, child...you have too much time to think up there! :) i am glad you had fun...though a weekend in the bush sounds like absolute torture to me.